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작성자 Herman
작성일 : 2024-01-28 10:41


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indesit-277-litre-integrated-fridge-freezer-70-30-split-177cm-tall-a-energy-rating-54cm-wide-white-1793.jpgWhy Choose an Integrated Fridge Freezer American?

The fridge freezers that are integrated can be placed within the cabinets in the kitchen to blend with your decor, which can be a great benefit for those who are worried about big appliances that stand out. They can be a little more challenging to install, because you'll need the correct gap between your cabinets and then add bridging or infill cabinets above.

Storage space that is greater than average

In terms of storage space, American fridge freezers are known for their larger capacities than average, typically between 300 and 600 litres. This makes them great for large families or for those who enjoy entertaining. You'll also find many internal features that can aid in keeping everything in order, such as bottles holders, salad crisper drawers, as well as egg racks.

American fridge freezers can be integrated seamlessly into your kitchen. This is because they can be used as integrated appliances. This means they're hidden behind cabinet doors to create a an elegant, sleek look.

If you choose an integrated model, you will have to determine the exact area where you would like to put your new appliance. This will help ensure that the doors and drawers open completely without hitting furniture or creating a safety risk. It's also advisable to leave an extra few centimetres of space behind the refrigerator for air circulation.

You can also opt to purchase a fridge that is freestanding. These are usually much bigger than integrated american style fridge freezers models and therefore, you must check that they can fit in the space you have available. Also, consider the energy efficiency rating of the refrigerator - models with greater energy efficiency ratings tend to be cheaper to run. This is because they don't need as much power.

Energy efficiency

A stylish, sleek look is provided by an integrated American fridge-freezer. However due to the fact that they consume more energy than freestanding models as well, operating costs to be higher as well.

It's worth looking into fridge freezers with high energy efficiency ratings. They are generally less expensive to run. Look up the kWh numbers on the energy label to compare to the older G-rated models that you have in your home You'll save money and carbon by switching to a more efficient model.

One of the most efficient integrated fridge freezers that are efficient in terms of energy efficiency is this Bosch model. This Bosch model has numerous smart features that will help you to reduce food waste and maintain your refrigerator. They include shelves with EasyAccess which slide out to make it easier to take food items out and a BigBox compartment for bulky foods such as pizza boxes and joints of meat and VitaFresh Technology which keeps your vegetables and fruits fresher for longer.

There are a myriad of fridge freezers with integrated refrigeration available. You can create an elegant look by creating doors designed to fit the kitchen decor.

Freestanding vs. integrated

If you're planning to design a new kitchen, or seeking to replace your existing fridge freezer American style, you should consider whether you'd like it to be integrated or freestanding. Integrated American refrigerator freezers are constructed so that they sit close to the cabinets fitted to them and look "built-in".

However integrated models aren't readily available to purchase off the shelf and require a cabinet for the housing to be inserted into. The refrigerator freezer should have a gap between the cabinets, tall end panels, and the appliance. Custom kitchen cabinet doors can be installed on top.

The downside of an integrated model, is that you won't be able to move it or take it out in the same way if you want to reorganize your kitchen. This is due to the space needed for the refrigerator's installation and the fact that the refrigerator has been integrated into the kitchen cabinets.

Freestanding American refrigerator freezers are a good choice for those who don't want the appearance of the flush, prefer something that is easy to move around, can be moved to a different location if needed, doesn't need a housing cabinet and won't have to be removed by a professional.


The name implies that refrigerator freezers that are cheap integrated fridge freezers sit in a cabinet door that matches the cabinets in your kitchen for an elegant look. These are ideal for modern homes where huge appliances shouldn't be visible. If you're going for a clean and modern look you can also opt for a narrow model that is able to fit in smaller spaces.

A lot of models have clever features that make your life easier. For instance the GSXV91BSAE by Bosch features a glass door that is transparent when it's not in use, but it glows blue to notify you when it's left open. MultiAirFlow is a first-of-its-kind innovation aids in keeping food fresher longer. Other functions that are beneficial include EasyAccess pull-out shelves and VarioShelves to help organise your food items, as well as long-lasting LED lights.

You may find less space in your kitchen If you opt to have an integrated fridge freezer. They are smaller to fit into your cupboard. However, some brands provide additional space for taller items.

If you want to save energy and money opt for an integrated model with an A+ energy rating or higher. It may be more expensive to purchase, but it should also cost less to operate over the long run. You can also reduce the amount of energy you use by looking for an appliance that has a climate class rating that suits the temperature of your home.