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페이지 정보

작성자 Shelley Means
작성일 : 2024-03-31 09:46


메세지 내용

A Robot Vacuum Mop With a Self Empty Bin Makes House Cleaning Easier

Similar to their vacuuming-only cousins robot mops are not able to substitute regular mopping and vacuuming in the home. However, they can significantly simplify the daily cleaning routine easier.

Mopping capabilities of robots are typically quite limited, but many models allow you to define no-go zones with the help of the app. Certain models also permit you to change power and mopping modes.

Easy emptying

The self-emptying robot vacuum and mop has a base that holds two containers, one for dust and the other for water. The containers come with a lid which can be opened using the push of a button or via voice command to transfer debris from the bins to the base. This feature is very helpful, as it means you don't need to stop your cleaning routine to empty the bins or wash the mopping cloth.

The less your robotic vacuum cleaner needs to do while you're dealing with family and work, as well as other chores the more efficient. You should choose a robot vacuum cleaner that has an auto emptying dock. It will automatically transfer the dirt into the container and keep the empty one ready for the next time. This will also save you time, and prevent the debris from getting scattered around your home.

If you're in search of a robot vacuum cleaner with the added benefit of the ability to mop, take a look at the Samsung Jet Bot+. This self-emptying robot mop and vacuum has an intelligent control to adjust the suction based on the floor type and type you're cleaning. The brushroll is also stocked with special fibers that assist to collect fine particles as well as tiny particles. The brushroll can be removed to clean the unit.

The iRoborock Vac & Mops RoboRock A11 is a different alternative. The robotic vacuum cleaner comes with LiDAR mapping technology. It can be controlled via a mobile app or by a hardware remote. It can vacuum and mop or you can program it to only vacuum. The mop is replaceable and can be washed when they're dirty.

In our tests with this device, it did a great job on hardwood flooring, but struggled with tile kitchen floors. The mapping process is a bit awkward, and it is prone to be stuck on small obstacles. It has the advantage of mapping your entire house and setting up virtual "no go" zones.
