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작성자 Roxie
작성일 : 2024-04-02 08:45


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"The 21-Point Rule: Revolutionizing English Language Education for Global Competence"

The 21-Point Rule: Revolutionizing English Language Education for Global Competence

English language education plays a crucial role in preparing individuals for global competence. In order to enhance the effectiveness of English language teaching, the 21-Point Rule has been introduced as a revolutionary approach. This rule focuses on 21 key aspects that students should master in order to become proficient English speakers.

1. Vocabulary:

Students should expand their vocabulary by learning new words and their meanings. They can use flashcards or online tools to practice and memorize words.

2. Grammar:

Understanding and applying grammar rules correctly is essential for effective communication. Students should learn different tenses, sentence structures, and parts of speech.

3. Pronunciation:

Clear pronunciation helps students convey their ideas accurately. They should practice pronunciation through listening to native speakers and imitating their speech patterns.

4. Listening Skills:

Developing good listening skills is crucial for understanding spoken English. Students should engage in activities such as listening to podcasts, watching movies, and participating in conversations.

5. Reading Comprehension:

Improving reading comprehension skills helps students understand written English. They should read a variety of texts, such as books, articles, and news, and practice summarizing and analyzing the content.

6. Writing Skills:

Developing strong writing skills is important for expressing ideas coherently. Students should practice different types of writing, such as essays, reports, and emails, and receive feedback to improve their writing abilities.

7. Speaking Fluency:

Speaking fluently involves using appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures. Students should engage in conversations, debates, and presentations to enhance their speaking skills.

8. Cultural Awareness:

Understanding cultural differences is crucial for effective communication in English. Students should learn about different cultures, customs, and traditions to avoid misunderstandings.

9. Idiomatic Expressions:

Learning idiomatic expressions adds depth and authenticity to language use. Students should familiarize themselves with common idioms and practice using them in appropriate contexts.

10. Critical Thinking:

Developing critical thinking skills helps students analyze and evaluate information. They should engage in activities that promote critical thinking, such as debates, problem-solving tasks, and discussions.

11. Presentation Skills:

Effective presentation skills are important for conveying ideas confidently. Students should practice organizing and delivering presentations, using visual aids, and engaging the audience.

12. Research Skills:

Developing research skills helps students gather and evaluate information. They should learn how to conduct research, cite sources, and present their findings in a coherent manner.

13. Interpersonal Skills:

Building strong interpersonal skills is essential for effective communication. Students should practice active listening, empathy, and collaboration in group activities.

14. Intercultural Communication:

Understanding and adapting to different communication styles is important for cross-cultural interactions. Students should learn about different communication norms and practice intercultural communication.

15. Media Literacy:

Developing media literacy skills helps students critically analyze media content. They should learn how to evaluate sources, identify bias, and interpret media messages.

16. Digital Literacy:

Being digitally literate is essential in today's digital age. Students should learn how to navigate online platforms, use digital tools for learning, and practice responsible online behavior.

17. Time Management:

Effective time management skills help students prioritize tasks and meet deadlines. They should learn strategies for managing their time effectively, such as creating schedules and setting goals.

18. Self-Reflection:

Encouraging self-reflection helps students identify their strengths and areas for improvement. They should reflect on their language learning journey and set goals for continuous improvement.

19. Self-Directed Learning:

Promoting self-directed learning empowers students to take ownership of their learning. They should develop strategies for independent learning, such as setting learning goals and seeking resources.

20. Global Awareness:

Developing global awareness helps students understand global issues and perspectives. They should learn about global events, cultures, and current affairs to become informed global citizens.

21. Confidence Building:

Building confidence in English language skills is important for effective communication. Students should engage in activities that boost their confidence, such as public speaking, role-plays, and language games.

The 21-Point Rule revolutionizes English language education by providing a comprehensive framework for developing global competence. By focusing on these key aspects, students can become proficient English speakers who are well-prepared for success in an interconnected world.





  • 炸春卷:酥脆的外皮包裹著爽口的炒菜,回味無窮。
  • 燒鵝翼:香嫩多汁的鵝翼,淋上獨特的燒汁。
  • 蝦餃:新鮮的蝦肉包裹在細薄的薄餅皮中,蒸至剛熟軟嫩。


  1. 叉燒:以特別調製的醬料醃製,肉質鮮嫩多汁。
  2. 魚蛋粥:滑嫩的魚蛋和米粒熬煮而成,濃郁的湯汁讓人回味無窮。
  3. 蚝煎麵:酥脆的蚝煎和煮熟的麵條搭配,營造出絕妙的口感。


  • 港式奶茶:濃郁的紅茶和滑順的牛奶結合,香氣四溢。
  • 柚子茶:新鮮柚子的香氣與茶葉的清香交融,解渴又開胃。
  • 荔枝西米露:甜美的荔枝和滑嫩的西米露融合在一起,甘美可口。


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