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작성자 Julian
작성일 : 2024-04-08 01:31


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App Store 新廣告位被賭博 App 霸佔 外媒:10個廣告有3個是賭博App


多名應用開發人員發現 App Store 新增的廣告位已經被賭博應用佔用,在 Twitter 上不少開發人員發聲,不滿大量的賭博廣告被投放在 App Store 之中。


本月 25 日開始,Apple 在 App Store 內增加了兩個廣告位,分別是 「你可能也喜歡」和應用的搜索頁面中。目前 App Store 有四個廣告位,所有廣告都有藍色背景的「廣告」圖標,讓用戶分辨到廣告。其中在 「你可能也喜歡」位置的廣告似乎出現不尋常的情況。開發人員 Simon Stovring 發現該位置的賭博應用程序廣告出現比率很高,出現的機率高達 30%。


這些賭博應用程序允許玩家購買數字貨幣,並用來參與賭博類的遊戲,包括二十一點、撲克、輪盤賭等。部分應用程序會告知用戶,他們可以通過 PayPal、Apple Pay 或銀行卡將遊戲內的獎金兌換成現金。

資料來源:Simon Stovring Twitter

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"The Rise of Texas Hold'em in the United Kingdom: A New Era of Poker"

The Rise of Texas Hold'em in the United Kingdom: A New Era of Poker

Over the past few decades, Texas Hold'em has experienced a remarkable rise in popularity in the United Kingdom. This once niche poker variant has now become the dominant form of poker played in casinos, online platforms, and even home games across the country. The rise of Texas Hold'em has brought about a new era of poker in the UK, transforming the way people play and perceive the game.

1. Television and Media Exposure

One of the key factors contributing to the rise of Texas Hold'em in the UK is the extensive television and media coverage it has received. Popular poker tournaments such as the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and the European Poker Tour (EPT) are now regularly televised, allowing viewers to witness the excitement and strategy of Texas Hold'em firsthand.

Television shows like "Late Night Poker" and "PokerStars Big Game" have also played a significant role in popularizing the game. These shows feature professional players competing against each other in high-stakes Texas Hold'em tournaments, captivating audiences and inspiring them to try their hand at the game.

2. Online Poker Platforms

The advent of online poker platforms has revolutionized the way people play poker, making it more accessible and convenient than ever before. Websites such as PokerStars, 888poker, and partypoker offer a wide range of Texas Hold'em games, allowing players to compete against opponents from all over the world.

Online poker has not only provided a platform for recreational players to enjoy the game, but it has also given rise to a new generation of professional players. Many successful poker players today honed their skills and built their bankrolls through online play, using their winnings to compete in live tournaments and establish themselves in the poker world.

3. Celebrity Endorsements and Sponsorships

The rise of Texas Hold'em in the UK can also be attributed to the involvement of celebrities and pp88娛樂香港娛樂 high-profile personalities. Many well-known figures, such as footballers, actors, and pp88娛樂 musicians, have publicly expressed their love for the game and have even participated in high-stakes poker tournaments.

These celebrity endorsements and sponsorships have helped to create a sense of glamour and excitement around Texas Hold'em, attracting new players and increasing its appeal. It has become common to see famous faces competing alongside professional players in major poker events, further fueling the popularity of the game.

4. Home Games and Social Clubs

In addition to the influence of television, online platforms, and celebrity endorsements, the rise of Texas Hold'em in the UK can also be attributed to the growth of home games and social clubs. Many poker enthusiasts now organize regular home games with friends and colleagues, creating a social and recreational environment for players to enjoy the game.

Furthermore, the establishment of poker clubs and societies has provided a platform for players to meet, compete, and share their passion for Texas Hold'em. These clubs often host regular tournaments and events, allowing players of all skill levels to participate and improve their game.

In conclusion, the rise of Texas Hold'em in the United Kingdom has ushered in a new era of poker. Through television and media exposure, online poker platforms, celebrity endorsements, and the growth of home games and pp88娛樂賭博首存優惠 social clubs, the game has become more accessible, popular, and exciting than ever before. Whether it's in a casino, on a computer screen, or at a home game, Texas Hold'em has firmly established itself as the preferred poker variant in the UK.






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