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작성자 Christena Falki…
작성일 : 2024-04-11 23:57


메세지 내용

vitesse-50-inch-ultra-thin-electric-fireplace-in-wall-recessed-and-wall-mounted-fireplace-heater-linear-fireplace-with-multicolor-flame-timer-low-noise-750-1500w-touch-screen-remote-control-50.jpgThe Benefits of an in Wall Electric Fireplace

A variety of electric fireplaces are available, and some can be fully or partially recessing into the wall. This gives the fireplace a nice appearance, with a built-in look.

The Dimplex Sierra is a great example of a wall mount electric fireplace that comes with a variety of options for flame display and ember bed appearance. The flames can be set to different colors.

They Look Amazing

The benefit of having an in wall electric fireplace is that it can be a focal point for your living room. It is hung above the couch and is the ideal place for a family to relax and unwind while watching the flames dance. It can also create an atmosphere where people can gather and discuss the day.

The fire can provide additional warmth, as well as visual appeal. It is crucial to select the best fireplace for your needs. You will want to think about the heat setting, the real flame display and the option of having the fire only mode for an ambiance without supplemental heating.

There are many different types of electric fireplaces that can be hung on the wall that can be put in with a variety of ways. Some are designed to be mounted on the wall while others can be partially or fully integrated into the wall for an aesthetically pleasing look.

The Simplifire allusion is a great option for homeowners looking to introduce a linear fireplace style that is on trend in their home. Joe Kuefler, director, Simplifire brand marketing for Hearth & Home Technologies, describes the Allusion as a cost-effective entry point into this type of fireplace. The Allusion can be mounted on the wall or, to give it a more polished appearance it can be recessed partially or completely recessed into a 2x6 framed wall. The Allusion also comes with an crystal log set and driftwood log sets for more customization options.

Some of the most expensive models of wall electric fireplaces include the Touchstone Sierra Linear and the Dimplex Sierra XL. The Sierra is Wi-Fi capable and comes with 5 flames and 10 different color options for the bed which allows you to alter the appearance of your decor. It can be mounted in a recess or on the walls to create more of a finished look. It can also be heated with convection heating or infrared to give instant warmth.

Another luxurious model is the Touchstone Artemis. The Artemis is a stunning contemporary fireplace that will look amazing in homes with crown moulding and white walls. It also features fluted leg posts and ornately decorated corbels that enhance the classiness of the piece. The Artemis comes in two sizes: a 50-inch width and 72 inches in width, so you can select the one that is best suited to your space.

They are easy to install
