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페이지 정보

작성자 Charissa
작성일 : 2023-11-14 14:04


메세지 내용

Bio Ethanol Log Burner

Ethanol fireplaces are an alternative to open and log-burning stoves. They create a stunning flame and don't require a chimney. They are also a more green alternative.

With a bioethanol fireplace you will no longer have to locate and store firewood, clear up ash, or even clean your fireplace.

No Smoke

tent-stove-wood-burning-stove-soppy-portable-camping-tent-stove-stainless-steel-tent-wood-stove-with-chimney-pipes-portable-camping-cookware-for-camping-heating-lodging-cooking-silver-6771.jpgBioethanol logs for wood burner are smoke-free standing electric log burners and clean burning, as their name implies. They are a great alternative to traditional wood-burning stoves or open fires. The primary advantage of a bioethanol fireplace is that it doesn't require a chimney or flue, unlike a traditional open flame or fireplace.

Bio-ethanol is a renewable and environmentally friendly resource because it's based on ethanol, which is a modern, sustainable fuel, in contrast to fossil fuels, which were formed by prehistoric biological processes. It's also an excellent alternative to natural gas if you're looking for a more cost-effective solution to central heating.

All you need to do is pour the ethanol into the burner, light it and enjoy the ambiance of your brand new fire. The burner can be filled with fuel when the flames begin to fade and allow you to enjoy your bio-ethanol flame for many hours. When you're done enjoying your cosy glow just slide the closing rod over the top of the burner and smother the flame of oxygen to suffocate it.

Bio ethanol fires emit a slightly sour smell when they are lit or extinguished like candles. You can also choose from a variety of odourless fuels that are (environmentally environmentally friendly!) added. scents such as vanilla, forest or even a lovely Christmassy scent at this season!

It's crucial to consider your home's layout and the ventilation system when you install a wall-mounted or freestanding bio-ethanol fireplace. The bio-ethanol stoves we offer come with an inbuilt fan to assist in this regard, but it's still recommended that you have a ventilation system around your home anyway, particularly in rooms that are occupied, such as the lounge or bedroom.

Our bio-ethanol burners are made to be as easy to install as it is possible. They can even be used in modern self builds without compromising the airtightness of your home by requiring the chimney. Our bio-ethanol fireplaces designed to be wall mounted can be easily secured on an even surface and can even be installed into alcoves.

No Chimney

Ethanol fires let you enjoy real flames and heat, without the requirement for chimneys or flues. They can be set up as freestanding fireplaces or as built-in stoves in new construction or they can be easily fitted into existing houses and flats with no chimneys. There is also a choice of styles ranging from traditional wood burning stoves to more modern log burners log burner designs.

All of our bio-ethanol fireplaces are equipped with a specific media that resembles cloth or cotton. This is designed to absorb liquid ethanol fuel to ensure that only vapors can be used for combustion. This is to ensure safety and to help even out the flame display and slow the consumption rate.

Adding to this there are no fumes produced from the combustion process, which means they do not pollute the air the same way as solid fuel or gas fires. There is no need for ventilation as there is no smoke, bioethanol log burners there is no ash, and there are no hazardous particulates or other products being released into the air.
