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작성자 Rebbeca
작성일 : 2024-05-09 07:07


메세지 내용

Vehicle Key Repairs

It's frustrating when your car key won't turn in the ignition. But it's usually simple to repair.

You can lubricate the lock cylinder to allow the pins to fall properly. The use of silicone-based lubricant will also prevent dirt particles from getting accumulated inside the lock.

Transponder Keys

Transponder keys, also known as "chip" keys, have an electronic microchip embedded in the plastic head. It's a bit more difficult to duplicate than a conventional metal key, however most local locksmiths can still help you. They'll use a specific tool to copy an existing pre-programmed key and then put the chip inside your car to make it work.

The engine will only begin when the transponder key is inserted into the ignition. This transmits a signal which must match the vehicle identification code. This technology helps discourage theft by making it nearly impossible for thieves to hot wire your car to start it and drive away.

Most modern vehicles include a transponder and you'll likely need a transponder key fob repairs repair specialist if yours isn't working properly. Transponder keys are designed to make them difficult to steal and protect the valuable contents of your car. They aren't able to be copied as easily as mechanical keys and many car makers have anti-theft systems which disable the engine of your car when you are using an untransponder.

Transponder keys have been used for a long time to deter car theft. It was easy for thieves to open the car by touching two wires together. This was called "hotwiring" and was extremely simple. But, when General Motors introduced their Transponder Key in 1985 and made it a little more difficult for old-school and novice thieves to steal cars.

While these key systems have helped to keep a lot of cars from thefts, there are those who try to get around them, which is why it's a good idea to have your car's security inspected regularly. That means that if your key isn't functioning correctly or is damaged in some way, you should call your local Mesa auto locksmith to have it repaired as soon as possible. They'll be able to help keep your car safe from thieves, and will bring back your peace of mind.

Smart Keys

Certain cars come with smart keys that are more advanced than standard car keys. They can unlock doors and start your car without having to insert a key into a lock. They also offer security and convenience features that will save you time and money.

Smart keys make use of an identification by radio frequency, or key repairs RFID system, to communicate with your vehicle. An antenna that is specifically placed on your vehicle reads signals from the key fob when it is within the range. The signal is unique and has a number that your vehicle recognizes which allows it to open a door or start the car. This technology allows you to lock the doors and trunk by pushing a button even when the key fob that is in the vehicle isn't present.
