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작성자 Susanne
작성일 : 2023-12-05 08:32


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Choosing uPVC Replacement Window Handles

window handle repair handles are an integral part of uPVC frames and must match the frame that is currently in use. The most important thing is the spindle length, which determines whether your new uPVC handle will fit.

Use the table below as a quick guide to measure the length of the spindle of your uPVC handle. This will assist you in determining the select the proper window handle replacement for your double-glazed window.

Espag Handle

Espag handles are the most common style of handle found on upvc windows (they're also commonly used in timber and aluminium too). They feature a square spindle that extends from the back of the handle and enters into the multi-point lock mechanism which is attached to the window. The handle is used to control the locking mechanism around the window.

Espag window handles come in a number of options that differ according to the style you choose and the function you'd like them to serve. Some have the option of a push button to lock them in the locking position to be locked and key-locking. (And fire-escape nonlocking if required.) Many of them meet the Secure by Design specification to provide an extra level of security. They also come with a variety of spindle sizes, which can be altered by using spindle sleeves to reduce the size of protruding spindles.

The espagnolette handles we offer have been tested by Yale to ensure they meet the strict standards you'd expect from such a reputable brand. They're suitable for upvc, timber and aluminium windows. We have a variety of colors to choose from along with an option to match the handle to your existing hinges.

The step height is another important aspect of espagnolette handle. This is the distance between the bottom of the handle and the point at which it rests on the frame. It's important to get this right to ensure a secure and secure fit. Fortunately, the majority of our handles are in line with industry standards, with 43mm between screw hole centres.

You can pick between straight or cranked handles. Cranked handles can be used in situations where the handle of the espagnolette is close to the frame edge. They provide more room to open the window.

Our replacement upvc door handle range for handles made of upvc offers a range of finishes, styles and colours that will suit the decor in your home, such as satin nickel, polished chrome, and antique brass. Some of our products feature a soft-close system to reduce the sound your windows make when they slam shut.

Cockspur Handle

The Cockspur Window Handle is a handle made specifically for the manufacturer who wishes to offer their customers a stylish and high quality design. These handles can be used with either uPVC windows or uPVC Replacement Window Handles aluminium frames. They work by having spurs that lock over the frame's edge to secure the window. The window handle can be locked so that it opens only when pushed, providing additional security. The handle comes in five different finishes, in both left and right handed versions. This lets fabricators cater for more windows.

The window handle for the cockspur cockspur is supplied with three packing pieces that are of different thicknesses. This allows them to be adjusted to a variety of sizes for backsets. Each packer can be removed from the handle nose or added to the size of the step to get the desired distance between 9mm and 21mm. The handle comes in right and left handed versions, with straight or curved noses.

If you are looking for a replacement for your existing handles for cockspurs, it is important to measure the current handle height in order to ensure that the new handle will be appropriate for the position. A handle that is not right can result in a variety of issues like the inability of closing the window. This can be a hassle for homeowners and create unnecessary stress.

A handle called a cockspur is a form of handle that is found on older uPVC and timber windows as well as some aluminum windows. These handles do not have any integrated window locks unlike Espag handles that are used on modern windows. They come with shootbolts or an Espagnolette bar lock.

man-repairing-door-lock-2021-09-02-06-24-34-utc.jpgThe espagnolette (often abbreviated to 'espag') handle is the most popular type of handle used on the new uPVC casement windows. When you turn the handle of the espagnolette it opens an Encloser locking mechanism from Yale which is more secure than replacing a window handle traditional British standard handle or cockspur. This is because when you turn the espagnolette handle it turns several locks inside the window frame to secure it.

Handle with Tilt and Turn

These windows are popular with people who want to improve the airflow in their homes and also add a degree of security. As the name suggests they come with a turn and tilt function that lets the window open at 90 degrees, allowing the appearance of a small opening, or drop down into a hopper style for full ventilation. This dual functionality provides them with a distinctive appearance that can give a real wow factor to the double-glazed windows you have.

Tilt-and turn windows are more complicated than other double-glazed window designs, which increases the cost of installation. They require more components and more labour. Nevertheless, these windows are worth the investment as they can increase the value of your home and offer a variety of advantages.

The main benefit of these ladders is that you can clean your windows without using external ladders. This is ideal for people who live in high-rise flats or in buildings, as it doesn't require you to risk falling down from an elevated position. Tilt-and-turn windows offer an additional level of security as they lock when they are tilted. This means that burglars can't open them from inside.

Often you will find handles like this typically on European style windows, uPVC Replacement Window Handles specifically those in Germany However, you can also find them installed in UK homes. The uPVC replacement handle is typically a spindle based one and uses a 7mm square spindle which is typically available in lengths of 32mm, 38mm and 44mm. The base of this handle is wider than other handles, which is why it's referred to as a "tilt-safe" window handle. It can only be opened after the window has been shut or tilted.

To replace a uPVC window handle that turns and turns, first remove the old handle using the screwdriver. The screws are usually hidden behind a sprung-loaded backplate. Simply lift the backplate and twist it until you can see two screw holes. You can measure the distance between the two screw holes using the ruler or tape measuring device. It is usually 43mm from the centre to the centre. Once you have your measurement, you can then order the correct handle size for your uPVC window.

Aluminium Handle

Made up of durable diecast aluminium. Finished in a stylish matte black colour. Concealed fixings

Typically, made from corrosion-resistant and weatherproof alloys, the aluminum handle is robust enough to meet the requirements of the construction industry. It is easily formed through industrial metal processing like extrusion and forging, giving it an extremely flexible design and virtually unlimited design options.

Additionally, aluminium is extremely sturdy and has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio. It is able to endure even the most severe of conditions. Furthermore, it is resistant to the ultraviolet radiation that can harm it which makes it safe to indoor use. It is also highly versatile and can be colored to fit any type of aesthetic. From classic emulations of hardware metals, to vibrant applications of hundreds of pure colors The possibilities are endless.

Aluminum isn't rusty and doesn't require any maintenance. This is because it has an oxide layer that naturally protects it from damage. The protective layer can be further strengthened through a variety of treatments such as anodizing and powder coating to give you additional resistance against corrosion. As a result, it will last for a long time without the need for routine maintenance or cleaning. It is also an environmentally friendly material that is 100 100% recyclable. This makes it the ideal choice for commercial, residential, and industrial constructions. It is also fire-safe and has a high thermal efficiency.